The Ariel School UFO incident refers to an alleged UFO sighting that took place at the Ariel School in Ruwa, Zimbabwe, on September 16, 1994. The incident garnered widespread attention and has been the subject of much discussion and debate among UFO enthusiasts and skeptics alike.

According to reports, dozens of students at the Ariel School witnessed a UFO hovering over the school playground at around noon on the day of the incident. The UFO was described as a large, metallic disc with an estimated diameter of 15-20 meters. It had a dome on top and was said to have made a humming noise.

The students reported that the UFO hovered over the school for several minutes before suddenly disappearing. Some of the students claimed to have seen strange, humanoid creatures inside the UFO, while others reported feeling a sense of fear and anxiety during the encounter.

The incident was investigated by a number of UFO researchers and investigators, including the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and the Zimbabwean government. However, no definitive explanation for the sighting was ever found, and the case remains unsolved to this day.

Despite the lack of concrete evidence, the Ariel School UFO incident has become one of the most well-known UFO sightings in history. Some have suggested that the incident was caused by a top-secret military experiment, while others have put forward more fanciful explanations, such as time travelers or extraterrestrial visitors.

Regardless of the true nature of the Ariel School UFO incident, it remains a fascinating and enduring mystery that continues to captivate the public imagination.