Area 51 is a highly classified United States Air Force facility located within the Nevada Test and Training Range. The base, which is located about 83 miles northwest of Las Vegas, has long been the subject of conspiracy theories and a central component of unidentified flying object (UFO) folklore.

The origins of Area 51 can be traced back to the 1950s, when the U.S. government was conducting tests on captured German V-2 rockets. The area was chosen for its remote location and proximity to existing government facilities, including the Nevada Test Site, where nuclear weapons were tested.

Over the years, Area 51 has been used for a variety of purposes, including the development and testing of military aircraft and weapons systems. It is also rumored to have been used as a storage and examination site for crashed UFO debris.

Despite its secrecy, Area 51 has gained a significant cultural presence in popular media and has become a popular destination for tourists and conspiracy theorists. In 2019, a joke Facebook event called “Storm Area 51” went viral and attracted millions of followers, leading to concerns about the potential for large crowds to gather at the highly secure facility.

Despite the attention it has received, the U.S. government has remained tight-lipped about the activities that take place at Area 51. In 2013, the CIA publicly acknowledged the existence of the facility for the first time, but offered no details about its purpose.

Declassified documents

There have been some declassified documents related to Area 51 that have been released to the public, but the vast majority of information about the facility remains classified.

In 2013, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) released a number of documents related to the history of Area 51 as part of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. These documents provided some information about the history and purpose of the facility, but did not reveal any specific details about its current activities.

In 2019, the U.S. Air Force also released a report about the history of Area 51 as part of a broader effort to be more transparent about the facility. The report acknowledged the existence of the facility and provided some general information about its history and purpose, but did not disclose any classified information.

It is worth noting that the U.S. government has a long history of classifying information related to national security and defense, and it is not uncommon for certain details about military facilities and operations to be kept secret. As a result, it is unlikely that the government will release any highly classified information about Area 51 in the near future.


There have been a few individuals who have come forward claiming to have worked at Area 51, but the vast majority of these claims have not been verifiable or have been proven to be false. Because of the extreme secrecy surrounding the facility, it is difficult to know for certain what goes on at Area 51 or who has worked there.

One of the most well-known individuals to claim to have worked at Area 51 is Bob Lazar, who claimed to have worked on reverse engineering alien technology at the base in the 1980s.

Another individual who claimed to have worked at Area 51 is Dan Burisch, a microbiologist who claimed to have worked on a project involving extraterrestrial life and time travel.