MKULTRA and MKNAOMI were covert, illegal experiments conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the 1950s and 60s. Both projects were designed to study the effects of drugs and other chemicals on human subjects, without their knowledge or consent.

MK ULTRA, which stands for “Mind Kontrolle Ultra,” was a research program that aimed to investigate methods for controlling the human mind. It was run by the CIA’s Scientific Intelligence Division, and involved the use of drugs such as LSD and mescaline, as well as other methods such as hypnosis and sensory deprivation. The program was first revealed in the 1970s, and it was learned that the CIA had conducted experiments on hundreds of people, including prisoners, mental patients, and military personnel. Many of the subjects were not aware that they were participating in the experiments, and some were given drugs against their will.

MK NAOMI, which stands for “Mind Kontrolle NAOMI,” was a subproject of MK ULTRA that focused on developing biological and chemical weapons for use in covert operations. It was run by the CIA’s Special Operations Division, and involved the development and testing of such weapons on human subjects. Little is known about the specifics of the experiments conducted under MK NAOMI, as the records of the project were destroyed by the CIA in 1973.

Both MK ULTRA and MK NAOMI were highly controversial and raised ethical concerns about the use of human subjects in government-run experiments. The revelations about these projects led to widespread outrage and spurred reforms in the way that the government conducts research involving human subjects.

Trust Ultra Trust Naomi – (Video documentary)

There are theories that the projects included experiments which are not publicly known to people, and that they are in fact still active, but under other project names.