The Flat Earth theory is the the idea that the earth is actually flat and that this has been suppressed or ignored by mainstream scientists. Theorists of Flat earth claims that evidence exists in various forms, such as the way shadows are cast and the observation that distant objects do not appear to be distorted when viewed through a telescope. They support the idea that the Earth is flat plane, not a sphere.

How everything works on flat earth (Video documentary)

There are many different arguments and pieces of evidence that have been put forward by proponents of flat earth theory. Some of the main arguments and alleged evidence cited by flat earthers include:

  1. Visual observation: Flat earthers often argue that the Earth looks flat when viewed from the ground, and that it is impossible to see curvature with the naked eye.
  2. Geographical features: Some flat earthers argue that the Earth’s geographical features, such as mountains and valleys, would not be possible on a round planet.
  3. The shape of the horizon: Some flat earthers argue that the horizon appears to be a flat line, rather than a curved one, which they claim is evidence that the Earth is flat.
  4. The lack of photographs showing the curvature of the Earth: Some flat earthers claim that there are no photographs or other visual evidence that show the curvature of the Earth.

Worlds beyond the poles by F. Amadeo Giannini (Free PDF)

Zetetic Astronomy: Earth Is Not A Globe—Samuel Rowbotham (Free PDF)

Terra Firma by David Wardlaw Scott’s (Book)

The Navigator Who Crossed the Ice Walls by Claudio Nocella (Book)