Project Blue beam is the theory

The Project Blue Beam theory, popularized by Serge Monast in 1994, is a conspiracy theory that suggests that the government is secretly working on a program that aims to create a New World Order through the use of advanced technology. The theory suggests that the government will use a combination of holographic projections, mind control, and other technological advances to create a global religious experience, leading to the formation of a single world government. According to Monast, a step-by-step plan is devised to accomplish the New World Order.

The first step in the implementation of Project Blue Beam will be the creation of a global crisis, such as a natural disaster or a terrorist attack. This crisis will be used as a justification for the government to implement emergency measures, such as martial law and the suspension of civil liberties.

The next step will be the use of advanced hidden technology to create a global religious experience. This could involve the use of holographic projections to create the illusion of a religious figure appearing in the sky, or the use of mind control to create a sense of religious fervor in large groups of people. The goal of this step will be to create a worldwide religious awakening.

Once the global religious experience has been created, the government will use this as an opportunity to establish a single world government. The theory suggests that the government will use its control over the new global religion to exert control over every aspect of society, including the economy, education, and even personal relationships.

In conclusion, the Project Blue Beam theory is a highly controversial idea that suggests that the government is secretly working on a program to create a New World Order through the use of advanced technology. While many people dismiss the theory as being baseless, those who support it argue that the evidence for its existence can be found in a variety of sources.