Isaac Kappy was an American actor, writer & musician who died on May 19th 2019 on route 66 in Arizona.


Kappy starred in minor roles for series and movies such as Breaking Bad, Thor and Terminator: Salvation. He started posting videos on social media, in which he talked about widespread ritual child abuse rings in Hollywood. He also exposed celebrities and other people such as Tom Hanks, Seth Green and Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court John Roberts as pedophiles and child abusers.

Kappy appeared as a guest on Alex Jones’ radio show InfoWars in August 2018, on which he accused multiple movie stars of pedophilia as part of the QAnon conspiracy theory, which involves a cabal of Satan-worshipping child molesters who run a global child sex-trafficking ring.[5] During the broadcast, Jones asked Kappy to be more circumspect and avoid “getting into names”, while Kappy briefly insisted Jones was “gaslighting” him by querying his claims. 


The mainstream story of Kappy’s death is that in 2019, Kappy committed suicide by forcing himself off a bridge into oncoming traffic in Arizona. According to the official story, two bystanders on the bridge attempted to prevent Kappy from throwing himself from the bridge but were unsuccessful. Around the time of his death, a lengthy note was posted on his Instagram account, in which he opened up about his drug and alcohol abuse, and apologized to Jesus Christ, Donald Trump, and QAnon. The post was captioned, “Beware the man that has nothing to lose, for he has nothing to protect”. good health

However throughout his vlogs on social media, he would always mention that he was not suicidal and if anything happened to him, it would not be by his own hand. An interesting aspect in the death of Kappy was that Tom Hanks, whom Kappy had targeted previously, posted an instagram post 39 days before his death which read “Historic Route 66. Roadkill? I hope not!”. On the day Kappy died Hanks posted a picture of a red handkerchief, which is an object and theme that more than often shows up in investigations in cases of suicides, potentially meant to send a signal of what really went down.