The “Clinton Body Count” theory is a theory that suggests that Bill and Hillary Clinton, along with other members of their inner circle, have been responsible for the deaths of numerous individuals who posed a threat to their political ambitions. These deaths have been labeled as suicides, accidents, or natural causes, but according to the conspiracy theory, they were all orchestrated by the Clintons.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the people that took their life and was very close to the Clintons. There’s the case of Vince Foster, a close friend and advisor to the Clintons who allegedly committed suicide in 1993. But many believe that he was actually murdered because he knew too much about the Clinton’s shady dealings.

Then there’s the case of Seth Rich, a DNC staffer who was murdered in 2016. Some believe that he was the source of the leaked DNC emails that hurt Hillary Clinton’s chances in the presidential election, and that he was killed as a result.

And let’s not forget about Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire financier who was found dead in his jail cell while awaiting trial for sex trafficking charges. Epstein had connections to many high-profile individuals, including the Clintons, and some believe that his death was orchestrated to prevent him from revealing damaging information.

These are just a few examples, but there are more. And when you start connecting the dots, it becomes clear that, at least a lot of people around the Clintons have ended up dead in way or another.

It’s important to note that there is no credible evidence to support the “Clinton body count” conspiracy theory, and many of the deaths that are often attributed to the Clintons have been thoroughly investigated and ruled as suicides, accidents, or natural causes. Here is a list of will provide a list of some of the deaths that have been linked to the conspiracy theory:

  1. Vince Foster: A former White House Counsel and friend of the Clintons who died by suicide in 1993. Despite multiple investigations that found no evidence of foul play, conspiracy theorists continue to suggest that he was murdered.
  2. Ron Brown: The Secretary of Commerce under President Clinton who died in a plane crash in 1996. Some conspiracy theorists believe that the crash was not an accident and that Brown was killed to cover up alleged illegal activities.
  3. Mary Mahoney: A former White House intern who was murdered in 1997 while working at a Starbucks in Washington D.C. Some conspiracy theorists suggest that she was killed because she had damaging information on the Clintons.
  4. James McDougal: A former business partner of the Clintons who died of a heart attack in prison in 1998. Conspiracy theorists suggest that he was murdered to prevent him from revealing damaging information about the Clintons.
  5. John Ashe: A former United Nations official who died in a weightlifting accident in 2016. Some conspiracy theorists believe that he was killed because he was set to testify against Hillary Clinton in a corruption case.
  6. Jovenel Moïse: The president of Haiti was assassinated on July 7, 2021, when gunmen attacked his residence in Pèlerin 5, a district of Pétion-Ville.