The Building 7 conspiracy theory is a popular but controversial theory that suggests that the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 on September 11, 2001 was not due to the impact of the planes crashing into the Twin Towers, but rather a controlled demolition.

Building 7, also known as the Salomon Brothers Building, was a 47-story skyscraper located in the World Trade Center complex in New York City. It was not hit by a plane on 9/11, but nonetheless collapsed at 5:20 PM on the same day. The official explanation for the collapse was that the building’s structural integrity was compromised by the debris from the Twin Towers, combined with the intense fires that were burning inside the building.

However, the Building 7 conspiracy theory challenges this official explanation and suggests that the building was brought down through a controlled demolition. This theory is based on several pieces of evidence, including the speed and manner of the building’s collapse, the fact that the building fell straight down and did not tip over, and the presence of molten steel at the building’s foundations.

Proponents of the Building 7 conspiracy theory argue that the collapse of the building could not have been caused by the debris and fires, and must have been the result of a controlled demolition. They point to the fact that the building fell at nearly free-fall speed, which is characteristic of a controlled demolition, and the lack of debris around the building’s perimeter, which is also a hallmark of a controlled demolition.

Critics of the theory, however, argue that the evidence cited by proponents of the theory is either flawed or taken out of context. They point out that the speed of the building’s collapse was not as fast as proponents claim, and that the molten steel found at the building’s foundations was likely the result of the intense heat from the fires, not a controlled demolition.

Furthermore, critics argue that the theory is based on a number of other flawed assumptions, such as the belief that the fires in the building were not hot enough to cause the collapse, or the idea that a controlled demolition of such a large building would not have been detected by any of the numerous witnesses and surveillance cameras in the area.

In conclusion, the Building 7 conspiracy theory is a controversial and divisive theory that challenges the official explanation for the collapse of the building on 9/11. While it has gained a significant following among those who believe that the 9/11 attacks were an inside job, it has also been widely debunked by experts and criticized for its lack of supporting evidence.